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accept() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
addListener(ReliableSocketListener) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Adds the specified listener to this socket.
addStateListener(ReliableSocketStateListener) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Adds the specified state listener to this socket.


bind(SocketAddress) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
bind(SocketAddress) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
bind(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket


close() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
close() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
closeImpl() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Cleans up and closes the socket.
closeSocket() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket
closeSocket() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Closes the underlying UDP socket.
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
connect(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
connectionClosed(ReliableSocket) - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketStateListener
Invoked when the connection is closed.
connectionFailure(ReliableSocket) - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketStateListener
Invoked when the (established) connection fails.
connectionOpened(ReliableSocket) - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketStateListener
Invoked when the connection is opened.
connectionRefused(ReliableSocket) - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketStateListener
Invoked when the attempt to establish a connection is refused.
connectionReset(ReliableSocket) - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketStateListener
Invoked when the connection is reset.
CUMULATIVE_ACK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
cumulativeAckTimeout() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the cumulative acknowledge timeout (ms).


getChannel() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getInetAddress() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
getInetAddress() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getInputStream() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getKeepAlive() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getLocalAddress() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getLocalPort() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
getLocalPort() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getOutputStream() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getPort() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
getSoTimeout() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
getTcpNoDelay() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket


init(DatagramSocket, ReliableSocketProfile) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket
init(DatagramSocket, ReliableSocketProfile) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Initializes socket and sets it up for receiving incoming traffic.
isBound() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
isBound() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
isClosed() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
isClosed() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
isConnected() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
isInputShutdown() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
isOutputShutdown() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket


log(String) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket
log(String) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Log routine.


MAX_AUTO_RESET - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_CUMULATIVE_ACKS - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_OUTSTANDING_SEGS - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_RECV_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_RETRANS - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
MAX_SEND_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
maxAutoReset() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum number of consecutive auto resets.
maxCumulativeAcks() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum number of unacknowledged received segments.
maxOutOfSequence() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum number of out-of-sequence received segments.
maxOutstandingSegs() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum number of outstanding segments.
maxRecvQueueSize() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum receive queue size (packets).
maxRetrans() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum number of consecutive retransmissions (0 means unlimited).
maxSegmentSize() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum segment size (octets).
maxSendQueueSize() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the maximum send queue size (packets).


net.rudp - package net.rudp
NULL_SEGMENT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
nullSegmentTimeout() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the null segment timeout (ms).


packetReceivedInOrder() - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketListener
Invoked when a data packet is received in-order.
packetReceivedOutOfOrder() - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketListener
Invoked when a out of sequence data packet is received.
packetRetransmitted() - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketListener
Invoked when a data packet is retransmitted.
packetSent() - Method in interface net.rudp.ReliableSocketListener
Invoked when a data packet is sent.


read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Reads up to len bytes of data from the receiver buffer into an array of bytes.
receiveSegmentImpl() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket
receiveSegmentImpl() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Reads in a segment from the underlying UDP socket.
ReliableClientSocket(DatagramSocket, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket
ReliableServerSocket - Class in net.rudp
This class implements server sockets that use the Simple Reliable UDP (RUDP) protocol.
ReliableServerSocket() - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
Creates an unbound RUDP server socket.
ReliableServerSocket(int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
Creates a RUDP server socket, bound to the specified port.
ReliableServerSocket(int, int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
Creates a RUDP server socket and binds it to the specified local port, with the specified backlog.
ReliableServerSocket(int, int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
Creates a RUDP server socket and binds it to the specified local port and IP address, with the specified backlog.
ReliableServerSocket(DatagramSocket, int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
Creates a RUDP server socket attached to the specified UDP socket, with the specified backlog.
ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket - Class in net.rudp
ReliableSocket - Class in net.rudp
This class implements client sockets that use the Simple Reliable UDP (RUDP) protocol for end-to-end communication between two machines.
ReliableSocket() - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates an unconnected RUDP socket with default RUDP parameters.
ReliableSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates a RUDP socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host.
ReliableSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates a RUDP socket and connects it to the specified remote host on the specified remote port.
ReliableSocket(DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates a RUDP socket and attaches it to the underlying datagram socket.
ReliableSocket(DatagramSocket, ReliableSocketProfile) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates a RUDP socket and attaches it to the underlying datagram socket using the given RUDP parameters.
ReliableSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates a RUDP socket and connects it to the specified remote address on the specified remote port.
ReliableSocket(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates a RUDP socket and connects it to the specified remote address.
ReliableSocket(ReliableSocketProfile) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Creates an unconnected RUDP socket and uses the given RUDP parameters.
ReliableSocketListener - Interface in net.rudp
The listener interface for receiving packet events.
ReliableSocketProfile - Class in net.rudp
This class specifies the RUDP parameters of a socket.
ReliableSocketProfile() - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Creates a profile with the default RUDP parameter values.
ReliableSocketProfile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Creates an profile with the specified RUDP parameter values.
ReliableSocketStateListener - Interface in net.rudp
The listener interface for receiving socket events.
removeListener(ReliableSocketListener) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Removes the specified listener from this socket.
removeStateListener(ReliableSocketStateListener) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Removes the specified state listener from this socket.
reset() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Resets the socket state.
reset(ReliableSocketProfile) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Resets the socket state and profile.
RETRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
retransmissionTimeout() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile
Returns the retransmission timeout (ms).


segmentReceived(Segment) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket.ReliableClientSocket
sendSegmentImpl(Segment) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Writes out a segment to the underlying UDP socket.
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableServerSocket
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
shutdownInput() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
shutdownOutput() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket


toString() - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocketProfile


write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off as data segments and queues them for immediate transmission.


_endpoint - Variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
_in - Variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
_out - Variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
_sock - Variable in class net.rudp.ReliableSocket
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