Package net.rudp

Interface ReliableSocketStateListener

  • public interface ReliableSocketStateListener
    The listener interface for receiving socket events. The class that is interested in processing a socket event implements this interface.
    Adrian Granados
    • Method Detail

      • connectionOpened

        void connectionOpened​(ReliableSocket sock)
        Invoked when the connection is opened.
      • connectionRefused

        void connectionRefused​(ReliableSocket sock)
        Invoked when the attempt to establish a connection is refused.
      • connectionClosed

        void connectionClosed​(ReliableSocket sock)
        Invoked when the connection is closed.
      • connectionFailure

        void connectionFailure​(ReliableSocket sock)
        Invoked when the (established) connection fails.
      • connectionReset

        void connectionReset​(ReliableSocket sock)
        Invoked when the connection is reset.