dist: xenial language: java install: true matrix: include: - jdk: oraclejdk9 script: - git config --global push.default simple - export GIT_TAG=$TRAVIS_BRANCH.$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER - gradle clean build - gradle dist - tar -zcf hello_world_test_reports.tar.gz build/reports - tar -zcf hello_world_executable_distributions.tar.gz build/distributions before_deploy: - git config --global user.email "builds@travis-ci.com" - git config --global user.name "Travis CI" - export GIT_TAG=$TRAVIS_BRANCH.$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER - echo "Just generated GIT_TAG for $TRAVIS_BRANCH.$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" >> $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build.txt - git tag $GIT_TAG -a -m "Generated tag from TravisCI for build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" # ****************** change the "drlehr" part of the line below to reflect your organization's path ******************* - git push -q https://$GITPERM@github.com/drlehr/Java_Gradle_Hello_World --tags # ****************** change the "drlehr" part of the line above to reflect your organization's path ******************* deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: $GITPERM file: - README.md - hello_world_test_reports.tar.gz - hello_world_executable_distributions.tar.gz skip_cleanup: true on: tags: false all_branches: true